Ny låt med TobiJah och Cee-Rock “The Fury”

Ändrad: 12:28 am av klas Jan 28, 2011 by klas

Together with Cee-Rock “The Fury”  from New York TobiJahrecorded a new track over one of our free beats “Black String”.

The track is called “Legacy in Blood” and will be released on his EP  “Street Poetry”.

2 kommentarer till “Ny låt med TobiJah och Cee-Rock “The Fury””

  1. Tobijah says:

    yeaiyeah :D
    das wus up my man!

  2. Per Persson says:

    Good go Tobijah!

    Det ska bli riktigt kul att få se dig i Hoby snart!


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