Moonsplash demo utvalt till Pitch of the Month på

Ändrad: 11:34 pm av klas Mar 04, 2011 by klas

Lately we’ve put a lot of energy on producing songs with the Japanese  music market in mind. One of our latest demo tracks “Say Yes” that actually got a western sound has been submitted to the “Pitch of the month” on!

Go to the site to listen to “Say Yes” and rate it a 10. ;-)

You’ll find the song in the upper right corner of the page.

Quoted from “Music companies are constantly bombarded by music from various creators. The result is that unless you actually know someone, somewhere, the chance of you being heard is almost none. This is where Songbox comes in. Each month Songbox selects five songs which have been submitted to Pitch of the Month and presents these to the hundreds of companies associated with us.


By submitting your songs to Pitch of the Month, you therefore have a real opportunity to actually get your music heard by key decision makers within the music industry.

All songs that are sent to Pitch of the Month will also get a rating by the Songbox panel consisting of seasoned industry professionals. The songs which are selected to Pitch of the Month will also be highlighted on the Songbox home page during the whole month, giving you invaluable exposure.

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