99designs Swagger Splash Contest

Which cover design should be the winner for our album Swagger Splash?

The final round in our design contest for the album cover to Swagger Splash has just ended at 99designs.com. Now we have to choose a winner and we would like to know what you think. You can vote and rate on the top 6 designs.

Apr 25, 2012 by Moonsplash | No Comments


Moonsplash Album Swagger Splash soon to be released!

Swagger Splash is the name of our new upcoming hip hop album where we have produced all 28 tracks with artists from all around the world. We have launched an online design contest for the album cover art at 99designs.com. This contest is still running and we are eager to see what the final design will be.

Apr 18, 2012 by Moonsplash | No Comments